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How To Use Both Speakers On Nexus 5x At The Same Time

Just because you can



This is not recommended, but you can try this mod because you simply can. The sound on the front speaker is distorted. Original Thread.

Before you try this hack, we and the author of this mod are not responsible. Try at your own risk.


STEP 1: Download the sound mod zip

STEP 2: Boot to recovery by using modded shut down menu, Power Toggles type Widget, or simply turn your phone off. Once completely off hold Home, Volume up and Power buttons simultaneously which will then boot your recovery.

STEP 3: Navigate to the Sound Mod Zip of your choice and flash it. I don’t believe it is necessary to wipe caches with this type of mod, but i would suggest it. Any time i am in recovery i take the opportunity to wipe caches and fix permissions, almost as a maintenance type of habit.
If you used CF root to root your phone you may be having some issues mounting the cache partition. There are 2 ways to fix this, both worked for me, the first of which may or may not work for you and is very simple to try and the second more involved.
1) Wipe Dalvik Cache ONLY. Now wipe Cache ONLY. Now wipe both Dalvik Cache and Cache. If this worked for you, you will now be able to wipe caches without mounting errors.
2) Begin from scratch and re-root your phone except this time DO NOT use Chainfire’s CF Root. Odin TWRP recovery, make sure you have a zip of SuperSU 2.16 i believe it is on your sd. Once TWRP is odined, boot to recovery and inject (flash) SuperSU. When booted you will most likely be prompted to update SuperSU as i believe there was an update today, assuming you are injecting 2.16. These steps are only for those having troubles flashing do to CF Root braking TWRP. If this has been fixed, i apologize and please ignore, as i have not checked today.

Known Bugs: Sound plays from earpiece speaker while headphones are connected. FIXED






Version Information
Status: Stable

November 25, 2014

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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