A story based in 2028 and the most successful company OmniCorp are manufacturing Robots. Battle of bring the drones to the home nation ( America) to the streets is debated. Along the way OmniCorp tries to invent more public acceptable technology. A young cop who survives the bomb explosion tries to clean the streets of Detroit. A human in a man robots body has many inner issues to face.
[easyreview title=”RoboCop – 2014″ cat1title=” Story ” cat1detail=” Nothing new or exciting ” cat1rating=”3.5″ cat2title=”Actors” cat2detail=” Well played, suitable actors.” cat2rating=”4.0″ cat3title=”Recommended” cat3detail=”An average robotic movie. Suitable for watching it once” cat3rating=”3.0″ summary=”Could have been much better”]