Shellshock Bash Bug
First of all, what is bash? Bash is a *nix shell or an interpreter which allows to launch commands on Unix and Linux systems. It’s normally the default shell on Mac OS X and Linux computers. It is a parser on a web server such as Apache. Bash was first released on June 7, 1989. To read more on bash, visit the Wikipedia link You can see below how Bash has evolved over the years. So what’s the bug? Well. GNU Bash through 4.3...
The New Bigger Crisp iPhone 6
IPhone 6 Positive : Finally iPhone users can upgrade to a much larger screen. The company has improved their camera auto focus function and increased storage capability up 128GB. It certainly looks better visually. Some would say model is slightly looks like HTC design. Finally improved keyboard. Negative: iPhone 6 battery is still the same compared to its last years iPhone. .Apparently the screen is bendable. Which is certainly not...
Battlefield 4
Battlefield 4 is military based game which uses Frosbite 3 engine. It’s campaign game is rather small than most of us would hope. But the creators of BF4 concentrated more on multiplayer gameplay. BF4 is real time game, meaning you can take down buildings as well. You have a lot more freedom than any other FPS game. Battlefield also comes with commander mode and also the ability to seperate your map to another screen(multi...