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Vonteera Adware Can Disable Your Antivirus

Vonteera Adware Can Disable Your Antivirus

Be Safe Out There Vonteera is a Trojan Horse which can destroy your Antivirus. Thought you were safe because you had Antivirus program on your computer and could visit any website you want? Even though it was suspicious? Normally adwares is downloaded or installed on computers by the user themselves. By visiting sites which has bunch of intrusive ads and pop us. Or may be you are downloading something and you have this download a...

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New Zealand Spied on its Neighbors

New Zealand Spied on its Neighbors

Can’t afford to miss anything, better spy on everything Documents revealed by Edward Snowden says that New Zealand has been spying on South Pacific Islands. What’s changed in the Key [government] years, is they now just grab everything – it all gets put into these American National Security Agency databases, it gets processed by these big intelligence computers and things. Technology had moved on enough that they...

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