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Can you trust SSL encryption of your email provider?


One month ago, High-Tech Bridge launched a free online PCI DSS and NIST compliant SSL test. Two weeks ago we updated the service functionality and added support of non-HTTP protocols to enable testing of SSL/TLS security and reliability of any service, such as email.

Brief Facts and Findings

Here are the most interesting facts the research brought to our attention:

  • Almost all email providers still support depreciated SSLv3
  • Previously considered one of the most secure email providers Hushmail has the weakest configuration of SSL/TLS encryption
  • Fastmail has the highest score, and is the only email service provider that meets PCI DSS compliance requirements for SSL/TLS
  • Despite a B+ grade, Gmail has one of the most flexible SSL/TLS configurations compatible with old and outdated email clients
  • Outlook.com apparently does not have a centralized SSL/TLS configuration of their email servers, potentially delaying and over-complicating update process

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