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5 book characters George RR Martin wishes were on Game of Thrones


Just because you’re the author of the novels doesn’t mean you get to have control over the TV series. That’s the great irony that George RR Martin is learning right now. With only two episodes of Game of Thrones left in the fifth season, the massive production of the show dictates that season six is already well under development.

The first is a book character we’ve been missing since season two. “Strong Belwas, who was part of Dany’s entourage,” Martin said. “I understand why he was cut, but I kind of miss him.

Character the second is Jeyne Poole, the peasant girl who looks enough like Arya Stark to be used by the Boltons in an evil plot.

No word on what Stoneheart’s role in shows would be. Some have speculated that poor, poor Sansa will be so damaged by her marriage to a Bolton that she’ll take up Lady Stoneheart’s role from the books on the show. Martin, however, seems to view the resurrection of Catelyn as a very important step in becoming a symbol of vengence: “Lady Stoneheart is not Cateyln

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