Marvel has created a new type of film series that allow several movies to co-exist in the same universe as others. To me, I feel, this should only be allowed to stick in Comic book adaptations not movies like MIB joining the same universe as 21 jump street. Even spider-man doing that same thing is pointless. We don’t need a sinister six film if we don’t even have a good spider-man movie!! Pull your crap together film makers, pointless and unnecessary sequels are, well, pointless and unnecessary. Also, talking about sequels, Star Wars universe is something I actually want to see a sequel of, but I don’t want to see movies like Frozen getting a sequel because that movie was pretty good on its own. Twilight also started a trend where they end with a two parter. I have no ide what to call it. or was it Harry Potter? I can’t remember because since then more movies like that has happened. WHY! Stop going to movies people ! So that they can try and invent new things to get us interested !
I love you cinema.. You’re my life