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$14 Billion for Cyber Security

14 Billion dollars to boost US’s cyber security defenses











The Obama administration aims to ramp up the federal government’s cybersecurity arsenal, requesting nearly $14 billion in its 2016 budget proposal, it’s $1 Billion more than previous budgets.

White House has said that:

Cyber threats targeting the private sector, critical infrastructure and the federal government demonstrate that no sector, network or system is immune to infiltration by those seeking to steal commercial or government secrets and property or perpetrate malicious and disruptive activity.defenses/index.html

“If confirmed, I intend to expand and enhance our capabilities in order to effectively prevent ever-evolving attacks in cyberspace, expose wrongdoers, and bring perpetrators to justice,” Ms. Lynch said

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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