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Advertisers trying to pay Adblock to stop blocking their ads

I want my choice back!

adblock plus

Advertisers such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon are trying to negotiate a term where their ads will be white listed from Adblock Plus. Adblock Plus free extension has more than 50 millions monthly users and have been downloaded 300 million times. Makes you wonder how many computers are currently active, doesn’t it?
This is just a waste of money for those advertisers, most users are making a choice not to see those ads, if they are forced to see those ads, they will simply download another extension. One out other extensions are listed below.


Microsoft will always give consumers choice when it comes to advertisements

We are committed to working with partners who share our vision for relevant, impactful brand interaction and respect the integrity of consumer choice.

Now if ads would be whitelist and you are not too happy about it, you can try uBlock, which is efficient as well.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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