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American Express Phishing Email Scam

Request To Change Phone Number Phishing Scam

Phishing Art

Phishing is one of the easy ways cyber criminals use to prey on innocent users, who do not know about simple ways to protect them.

What is Email Hoax or Phishing Email Scams?

Email hoax is a scam or trick in an email message such a warning of a non-existent threat or a request for personal information.

Email hoax are successful because some people don’t even look closely at their emails, and reply to every email as they are legit. As technology grows, we need to keep updating ourselves and everyone should know basic things to do and not to do online. One is, make sure you check your email more then once before giving out sensitive data.

If you do click, you will be taken to a fraudulent website that includes stolen graphics and other components designed to make it look like a genuine American Express page.

Hoax Slayer Team have found another phishing scam, the email received by the recipient to comes as a form of “security notification” if you did not change the email, visit the link which leads to a malicious site, if you click submit after completing the form, all your sensitive data will be sent to the cyber criminal/s.

Once you click the ‘Submit’ button on the fake form, all of the requested information will be sent to online criminals. The criminals can then use the information to commit fraudulent credit card transactions using your Amex account and steal your identity. American Express customers are almost continually targeted in such phishing attacks. American Express will not send you a generic email that asks you to deal with an account issue by clicking a link or opening an attached file.

American Express Phishing Email Scam

American Express Phone Number Phishing Scam1

American Express Phone Number Phishing Scam

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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