Flawed Investigation
The police officials were attacked to protest against death sentences handed down to two Myanmar migrant workers for allegedly killing two British tourists. Anonymous are claiming the investigation to be flawed and Thai officials are enforcing corruption. The websites were left with a message saying “Failed Law”, “We Want Justice” and #BoycottThailand
“Thai police have accused innocent people before, and would rather blame foreigners or migrants for such crimes so as to protect their tourism industry then accuse their own Thai locals, that may deter tourists from choosing Thailand as their holiday destination” said Anonymous
While police spokesman Dechnarong Suthicharnbancha said Anonymous are “not good enough to hack into our system and steal any of our data”.
“Both suspects accused the Thai police of torture. The Thai police said that they had confessed to the
crimes, which was a lie by the Thai police as they did not confess to the crime at all. The Thai police had Ignored the DNA of the two men and even had the lower court suppress the suspects DNA from being compared to the DNA the Thai police submitted to the court” Anonymous reported
“The Judge had acquitted them both and demanded that they be released as free men immediately. Had it not been for local help and the supreme court upholding integrity, these two Chinese migrants would have been executed for crimes their arresting officers knew, they had never committed. Still today, this case has never been solved”, Anonymous continued.