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Anonymous Attacks Japan Because Of Whaling

Who are we to treat them like that?

Anonymous Suit

The hacking group Anonymous have attacked at least 97 websites in Japan since September. The attacks are carried because of the controversial whaling practices carried out in the country. The group even at times are given bad reps, but Anonymous are trying to save live. Anonymous are protecting whales in this instance and their crusade to hunt down ISIS. They are taking down news medias, whale hunters and government website are targeted.

Even though Japan banned commercial whaling decades ago, it still hunts whales because of “scientific research”. International Court Of Justice ruled out that Japan failed to prove any reason to hunt whales even for scientific reasons. Everyone has the right and animal abuse should never be a reason for any purpose.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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