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Dutch Government Opposes Against Backdoors

$540,000 Donation To OpenSSL


The Dutch Government are publicly supporting data encryption and are opposing against government backdoors. While many other countries such as US, UK and Chinese government are busy trying to taking away internet privacy, Holland donated $540,000 to OpenSSL. The published statement debating encryption said that “the government believes that it is currently not appropriate to adopt restrictive legal measures against the development, availability and use of encryption within the Netherlands.”

Encryption ensures the confidentiality and integrity of communications and allows people to better protect themselves against espionage and cyber crime,” it notes. “These are fundamental rights and freedoms; security and economic interests stand to benefit.

“By introducing a technical input into an encryption product that would give the authorities access would also make encrypted files vulnerable to criminals, terrorists and foreign intelligence services,” the paper noted. “This could have undesirable consequences for the security of information communicated and stored, and the integrity of ICT systems, which are increasingly of importance for the functioning of the society.”

Holland is one of the internet privacy countries in the world. The country never played a major part in cyber attacks, while US, UK, Russia and China are constantly part of cyber espionage.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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