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Facebook Testing Self Destruction Chat In France

But Let Me Read It First

Facebook Messenger

Facebook is testing a new feature in their Messenger app, which allows the users to send a message which will be deleted it self in an hour. This feature will not self destruct in an hours time when user have read the message but will self destruct after an hours time even though the user might have not read it. Sufficient? You might argue, depending on how you make use of it.

We’re excited to announce the latest in an engaging line of optional product features geared towards making Messenger the best way to communicate with the people that matter most.

According to Facebook, this allows people to have fun while using Facebook Messenger. At the moment it is only available in France but should be rolled out to other countries after this Pilot test, depending the success rate of it.

We’re excited to announce the latest in an engaging line of optional product features geared towards making Messenger the best way to communicate with the people that matter most.
Starting today, we’re conducting a small test in France of a feature that allows people to send messages that disappear an hour after they’re sent. Disappearing messages gives people another fun option to choose from when they communicate on Messenger. We look forward to hearing people’s feedback as they give it a try.

How To Turn On Self Destruction Feature

On your Facebook Messenger chat conversation, you will be able to see a hourglass icon at the top right corner. When you click the icon, the messenger you will be sending through Facebook Messenger will first destruct after an hour. Remember this feature is only available through Facebook Messenger.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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