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Google To Release New Image Sharing Service

Better than Instagram?


The new service will allow users to post images on Facebook and Twitter as well. Unlike Google+ which is pre-installed on most devices and back ups images, the new image sharing service will not be part of Google+ and it possibly might be a stand alone product.
There are not much of information to go with since Google has been really secretive about this new image sharing service. The product is likely to revealed at Google I/O Conference in San Francisco later this month.

Google, operator of the world’s biggest Web search engine, has been seeking new ways to bolster its product lineup as it battles Facebook and other rivals for users. Greater autonomy would give Google’s photo tool more freedom to take on rivals. For example, Facebook, which acquired mobile photo-sharing service Instagram in 2012, has given the business independence within the company, and seen its user base grow to more than 300 million users

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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