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How To View Anyone’s Facebook’s Hidden Friends List

Facebook Friends Mapper


Thought when you chose to hide your friends list, no one would be able to see who you are friends with? A free tool allows any user to view anyone’s hidden friends list, if and only if they have a mutual friend. With this flaw, a chrome extension has been released. Not only it is free but it’s just one click.
Facebook Friends Mapper allows you to reveal the friend-lists of those who have at least one mutual friend with you.

How To Use Facebook Friends Mapper

To install the extension and try it yourself, you can download Facebook Friends Mapper.
Find someone with a mutual friend and someone who’s friend list is private.
Click on Reveal Friends, and a window will appear with all the friends name with their profile links.
Make sure that you have at least one friend with the user, or else the extension won’t work. If you have read the comments on the extension page, you will see comments such as spam or fake. This is because the crucial condition must be followed, or else the extension will not work.

Facebook Friends Mapper Reveal Friends

Current setting on Facebook is not enough to hide your friends list, and you should be expecting some update from Facebook soon.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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