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ISIS Twitter Accounts Linked Back To British Government

British Involved With ISIS?


Three ISIS Twitter account have been linked back to British Government Depart For Work and Pension (DWP).
Hacker group called VandaSec, have discovered that IP address used by ISIS for online recruitment link back to DWP.

Don’t you think that’s strange?…We traced these accounts back to London, the home of the British intelligence services – VandaSec

“The government owns millions of unused IP addresses which we are selling to get a good return for hardworking taxpayers,” a Cabinet Office spokesperson said.

“We have sold a number of these addresses to telecoms companies, both in the UK and internationally, to allow their customers to connect to the internet.

“We think carefully about which companies we sell addresses to, but how their customers use this internet connection is beyond our control.”

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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