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KickAssTorrents ISLE Domain Seized

It’s not even 24 hours and the new domain has been seized


As mentioned in our previous post. IM registry told TF that they have zero tolerance for copyright infringement.

We have been seized by the Isle of Man domain registry. The new domain will be Kat.cr, says the KAT Team.

While IM Registry had this to say:

The domain was in breach of the .im rules and has accordingly been revoked. I cannot correspond any further in relation to this domain name

It’s not even 24 hours and the new domain has been seized.
The new domain is expected to be live soon. While http://kickass.to/ and http://kickasstorrents.to/ are still reachable. There has been no statement on the decision for moving to .im domain, we will keep updating as to why they chose to change their domain. It was mentioned earlier that it was planned, but the reason has not been made public yet.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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