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KickAssTorrents Moves to a New Domain

Kat.ph planned domain transfer


The KAT Team told TorrentFreak:

The domain name change is a planned move which KickassTorrents does every six months. Nothing special

IM Registry told TF that registry doesn’t suspend domain names proactively neither do they respond to individual cases. They have also said that they have zero tolerance against copyright infringement. How safe is this transaction? How long will the site be up until they have to change to another domain?

… each case is reviewed separately by the Designated Official within the Isle of Man Government. It should be noted though that we have a zero tolerance policy on copyright infringement

KAT Team gave no reason on why they chose to go with .im domain name. With the new ISLE Domain name, KAT links which were blocked by Google because of DMCA notices will be accessible under the .im domain name once again. Well at least for some time until Google blocks them again.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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