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Microsoft Phasing Out Windows 7

Windows 7 for life? Or at least till 2020?













Microsoft have confirmed that, device manufactures will not be shipping their devices with Windows 7 pre-loaded on it, but all the devices will have Windows 10. Which is a good thing right? What do you think? So far it seems promising, with minor bug here and there. This will take effect from October 31 2016. Plenty of time, but you may choose to update Windows 10 for free before that. Also Windows 7 will get regular updates till January 10 2020.

Windows 7 phase out














Have you got your Windows 10 copy yet? Tell us if you will opt to keep using Windows 7 till 2020?

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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