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Phantom Squad Takes Down PSN And Xbox Live

Here We Go

Xbox Limited

Last year Lizard Squad took down PSN and Xbox live. Phantom Squad, a hacker group who seemed to be inspired by Lizard Squad took down Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. While Xbox live seems to be online to some users, PSN is still down. Both of the system have been limited and are not functioning as normal as they were. This is just a start from Phantom Squad, just to show what they are capable of.

We should prepare for the worse for this Christmas. As it seems that both firms are in the same spot as last year when Lizard Squad attacked them. This year it could be possibly worse. Phantom Squad + Lizard Squad + FinestSquad. The systems could be down longer than expected this year.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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