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Russia To Permanently Ban Most Used Torrent Sites In 2016

Top 15 Sites Will Be Banned


This is nothing new, countries are blocking torrent sites every time, but Russia will ban the countries most used torrent websites. Russia has never been known to have a strong law enforcement on piracy, which is why it is surprising that the country will ban about 15 most used torrent sites. Roscomnadzor are predicting 95% efficiency at fighting piracy after the ban has come into effect.
The watchdog firm Roscomnadzor, asked “The pressing question: why do you need the torrents?”.

In the current economic climate it is necessary to find a balance in which the content will be available, and the price will match the quality, the firm added

About 37% of the users said they torrent because “I do not want to pay”, 36% said they use for “other reasons”, 17% of the users did not know where to buy the products and remaining 10% said they don’t use torrents.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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