Hackers steal from users and Spy Agencies stealing from Hackers, Classy.
The NSA and GCHQ tracks and monitors the work of independent “freelance” hackers, including security researches.
The latest revealed documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowdem , the hacks and sophisticated breaches on the targets were carried out by the state-sponsored and freelance hackers, it is used and is analysed without letting the victim know about the hack in the first place.
Recently, Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) and Menwith Hill Station (MHS) discovered and began exploiting a target-rich data set being stolen by hackers,” reads one of the documents quoted by the Intercept. “The hackers’ sophisticated email-stealing intrusion set is known as INTOLERANT.
Of the traffic observed, nearly half contains category hits because the attackers are targeting email accounts of interest to the Intelligence Community. Although a relatively new data source, [Target Offices of Primary Interest] have already written multiple reports based on INTOLERANT collect.
Documents and data are categorized as:
A = Indian Diplomatic & Indian Navy
B = Central Asian diplomatic
C = Chinese Human Rights Defenders
D = Tibetan Pro-Democracy Personalities
E = Uighur Activists
F = European Special Rep to Afghanistan and Indian photo-journalism
G = Tibetan Government in Exile
Lovely Horse Program, should be lovely, right?
It is open source intelligence service, it monitors public discussion on Twitter and social media’s
Analysts are potentially missing out on valuable open source information relating to cyber defence because of an inability to easily keep up to date with specific blogs and Twitter sources,” one document states