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Syrian Electronic Army Hacks US Army

Website Hacked After President Obama Demands Cyber Law


Syrian Electronic Army claimed responsibility for hacking the US Army website. A group which was launched to attack enemies of Syrian Government, enemies who fabricate stories. Also it is crucial to note that, they are not part of government but a group of Syrian youths.
The website did not had any sensitive data and was/is for public. The cached website showed messages and popups saying “Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army” and “Stop training terrorists” and also “Your government is corrupt don’t listen to it“.

Today an element of the Army.mil service provider’s content was compromised,” army spokesman Brigadier General Malcolm Frost said in a statement.

“After this came to our attention, the Army took appropriate preventive measures to ensure there was no breach of Army data by taking down the website temporarily

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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