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Toyota Corolla Fielder Hybrid Hacked

If its on the internet, it’s hackable

Toyota Corolla Fielder Hybrid Hacked

Hiroyuki Inoue, an associate professor at Hiroshima City University’s Graduate School of Information Sciences, was able to hack into the vehicle remotely. The researcher was able to close car windows, display incorrect speedometer and freeze car’s accelerator.

The researcher said that the effects does not directly apply to cars currently on the market, as their computers have no internet access. But cars could be altered and equipped with internet access which will allow them to be hack-able. He was able to gain access to a terminal located under steering wheel which is used for maintenance. He was able to receive unencrypted data in the car’s computer that controls engine.

Important (data) communication was in full view from outside. Other cars could also be subject to hacking in the same way,” he said, calling for the need to encrypt onboard data and take other steps to protect a car’s systems from unwanted access.

He also DDOS attacked the car’s system which in return made the car unresponsive. As you can imagine how this can be used by malicious hackers. Japan Automobile Manufacutres Association said that they will work on measures to deal with the this type of security threads with the government.

Author: Shivniel Gounder

TheGeek : Writes about information security, privacy, cybersecurity and latest tech gadgets and more.

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